adult workshops, Community, creative writing, creativity, Family, Games, Grow Wild Together, storytelling, workshops

Autumn Newsletter

We are excited to share our Autumn/Winter season of workshops and events.

A big, big thank you! Over the last 6 months you have helped us build Stitch from an idea in our heads to something that we can all share in. From creative challenges, to audio tales and our first Story Circle, you have made this possible through generous donations via Ko-fi and participating in our work.

We continue to grow our story store and continue to add to our catalogue of stories. We have added the Tell Me A Story of...collection to our website. You can see this here

We have put together a mixture of events, creative challenges and workshops over the next few months.  If you would like to sign up, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

Workshops and Events

Creative Writing Course: Overcoming the Monster

7.30 -9pm, 2nd, 9th, 16th November, £18

Join Flick on a  three part course exploring the story structure, character and setting through this practical course to kick start your writing. 8 spaces available

The Talking Teller

7.30- 9pm, 5th November, £6 

In this playful workshop, Flick will help you explore the potential of your voice to add colour and animation to your storytelling. 8 spaces available.

Wild Wonder Family

 3-4.15pm, 8th November, £9 

Explore the stories of the wild, from your own home!  Come and join Tom as he guides you and your family through a nature based folktale.  Bugs become beasts, bushes grow into jungles and puddles can be sailed for miles. You will then create your own characters, events and environments from the story. For families with children aged 4-8. Spaces for 6 families

Story Circle

8pm, 19th November, 17th December Free (recommended donation £3)

Come gather round our virtual fire as we trade tales. 

Want to share your story? We have space for up to 6 people to tell a 5 minute tale. Email us to book your slot.

Want to listen? Sit back and relax. Just let us know you want to come and join us.

The Playful Teller

7.30-9pm, 7th December, £6

Come and test your improvisation skills as we look at how Storytellers play and adapt to different styles, spaces and audiences. 8 spaces available.

We are really pleased to have launched our next creative challenge:

We will be curating an online  gallery of all your amazing responses. If  you would like to join in, please fill in the form below for the Brief Sheet.

We hope you can join us as we continue to grow Stitch into something marvelous.

All the Best,

Flick and Tom,

Stitch HQ